Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 4

This afternoon at 4:00 pm, my middle daughter and I will be participating in a "sing-in" of Handel's Messiah at the Congregational Church in Great Barrington.  Performing as a soloist, choir member, or accompanist of this great work has been a part of my holiday experience since I was twelve years old.  Written in 23 short days by the secular court musician George F. Handel, The Messiah is a masterpiece of music and word that transcends the printed page, giving birth to a musical experience that seems to come down from heaven itself. 

Tomorrow is the beginning of the "Advent Season" of the church - a time of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child in the manger.  I can think of no better way to begin my Christmas celebration for 2011 than to join together with others in this picturesque New England village to sing the glorious music that is The Messiah.

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