Saturday, November 12, 2011


Front Yard Rose Series © singeronthesand 2011

I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat…
Matthew 25:35a

Whenever I hear or see the word, Somalia, my heart feels heavy and almost hopeless.  So many hungry people – approximately 4 million across Somalia, and additional millions in areas of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti.  Famine has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Somali children this year.  Through sheer determination and hard work, aid agencies are getting food aid to nearly 2.2 million of the 4 million that need it.  Unfortunately, however, that leaves 1.8 million people facing starvation.  Islamist militias have forbidden many aid agencies to operate in their territory.  Aid agencies are pleading for everyone involved to put “people before politics.”

Baby Minhaj was one of a dozen almost lifeless babies lying under mosquito nets in the IRC hospital in Dadaab – the world’s largest refugee camp.  Minhaj was seven months old, but weighed only 7 pounds, less than some newborns.  His mother had given up all hope of his survival.  But after three+ months of intensive feedings with a mixture called Plumpynut – similar to sweetened peanut butter with added nutrients – Minhaj weighed nearly 17½  pounds – close to normal for a child his age. [Information from Katherine Houreld, AP Press, 11-9-11 via Internet]

We who live a world away are horrified by the statistics, and shrink away from the graphic photographs.  Yet these are our brothers and sisters – those whom Christ has bidden us to care for as we would care for ourselves.  It is easy to feel completely overwhelmed by the enormity of the starvation and need.  However, we all can do something.  Give up coffee, dessert, or restaurant meals for a month and send the savings to a reputable relief agency.  Participate in the Crop Walk: an annual fund-raising walk for hungry people all over the world.  Research on the Internet for a relief organization that can utilize your talent, your skills and your donations.  God calls upon us to love our neighbors – even our neighbors in the Horn of Africa.

 Photo Courtesy of Yahoo Internet Search © Associated Press 2011

Today's Prayer Needs
For all people facing starvation in drought ravaged Africa
For all political groups in the region to open up avenues for aid to reach all people
For the people of the world, that we may open our hearts and lives to help  

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