Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In the First Light

Picture Courtesy of Internet Search; Photographer Unknown

The video by Glad today is my favorite Christmas song of all time, although it is not a typical carol.  A song of sweeping chords and themes, it goes far beyond the baby born in the manger:

In the first light of a new day
No one knew He had arrived
Things continued as they had been
While a new born softly cried.

But the heavens wrapped in wonder
Knew the meaning of His birth
In the weakness of a baby
They knew God had come to earth.

As His mother held him closely,
It was hard to understand
That her baby, not yet speaking,
Was the Word of God to man.

He would tell them of a kingdom
But their hearts would not believe.
They would hate Him, and in anger,
They would nail Him to a tree.

But the sadness would be broken
As the Song of Life arose,
And the first-born of creation
Would ascend and take His throne.

He had left it to redeem us,
But before His life began
He knew He'd come back, not as a baby
But as the Lord of every man.

Hear the angels as their singing
On the morning of His birth.
But how much greater will their song be
When He comes again to earth -
When He comes to rule the earth.

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