Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gerbera Daisy

Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.

Another word for fear, or fright, is intimidation, and I will readily admit that Gerbera daisies intimidate the gardener in me.  I have never had much luck with them.  I buy one in bloom at the nursery, take it home, and plant it according to all the instructions.  The blooms eventually fade, and then the plant just sits there… and sits there… and sits there!  So frustrating.  This year, however, I threw one in a container, and the flower pictured above is from its third blooming.

Yesterday I took two friends to the West End to show them some stores and areas that they had not yet visited.  One woman is new to this area, having just moved here from Missouri, the other has been like a  sister and mentor to me for several years.  Neither of them has spent much if any time on the west side of Richmond. I knew they would never venture out there themselves. A trip across town is just a fun jaunt for me; for many people on the south side, it looms like a trip to the moon. 

When we reached the Short Pump area, we began our explorations at Tom Leonard’s Farmer’s Market.  This market is housed in a building rather than out-of-doors, but has the old-time country look and feel, including the corny farm animal band up high on the back wall that breaks into song occasionally.  The produce is always excellent and the prices are right down my alley [cheap].  The Whole Foods Market was next – a huge, gorgeous place that is a mix of high-end grocer and even higher-end health food store [expensive].  It was such fun to watch them wandering around with their jaws on the ground!  Our last stop was Trader Joe’s – my favorite market in Richmond.  I didn’t watch them here – I had too much to find for myself!  I did see them noshing on arugula pizza and TJ coffee samples, so I think they were fine.  I hope they will not let fear of the trip keep them from going back - soon!

Intimidation is the enemy of adventure and joy.  Fear of what might be often stops anything from happening at all.  Being naturally prone to it, I now fight back every time it raises its ugly head and reaches out to brush me with its cold hand.  God gives new possibilities every day of our lives.  I, for one, want to reach out and grab them with both hands!    

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