Monday, August 1, 2011

Let There Be Flowers!

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation:
seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit
with seed in it, according to their various kinds.
And it was so.
Genesis 1:11

How I wish I could have been a fly on the wall… oops, wait a minute -  there were no flies or walls!  Let me try this again.  How I wish I could have been a cosmic speck (with vision!) in the universe when God began the third day of creation.  In the first two days, He had called light into existence, and separated the waters from the sky.  Now, at the beginning of Day Three, the Creator gathered the waters into seas, and caused dry land to appear. Upon that sandy brown canvas, God began to paint a living, breathing landscape such as we have never seen.  Trees and bushes, gardens and hedges, green plants for food and decoration, and flowers, flowers, flowers!

August tends to be the dog days of summer, so during this hot, sultry month, we will draw cool inspiration and everyday thoughts from the many wonderful flowers that abound throughout our landscape.  God’s rich imagination offers us an abundance of shapes, colors, smells and textures. If you have a flower in your neck of the woods that I am not likely to ever see, please send me a picture.  Just email it to:  I would love to share the flowers that grow in your area!  Blessings to you on this Monday, the first day of August.  

flower (flou'er) n. [ME flowre]
1. the seed-producing structure of an angiosperm...
a blossom, bloom; the reproductive structure of any plant.
2. a plant cultivated for its blossoms; flowering plant.

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