Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hardy Hibiscus

Hardy Hibiscus [perennial] Ginter Botanical Gardens

Beloved, I pray that you may enjoy good health,
and that all may go well with you,
even as your soul is getting along well.
3 John 2

Yesterday I had an appointment with my oncologist.  I see her every six months, and this appointment marked the 4th anniversary of my cancer surgery.  Four years out!  I could hardly believe it had been that long.  My doctor was upbeat, positive, and very happy with my state of health.  I have fought long and hard to get to this place.  My blood pressure is now 114/78 – a far cry from when it regularly measured 160/140 and sometimes spiked over 200 – landing me in the emergency room.  I am seven pounds from my goal weight, exercise regularly, and eat as well as I can.  I consider myself incredibly blessed at this point in my life and wake up every morning with great joy.

Many people expect excellent health to be handed to them on a silver platter, or to be their birthright coming from good stock.  Unfortunately, it never works that way.  We have good health only if we take the management of it into our own hands [blessed by God’s wisdom and the assistance of a good doctor], and work at it on a daily basis.  No time for exercise?  Make time.  Love junk food and high fat goodies?  Teach yourself not to eat it.  Five seconds in the mouth/five years on the hips just isn’t worth it.  High cholesterol?  Buy a copy of The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure on half.com for seventy-five cents and work at bringing it down.  Stress levels sky-high?  Take the time for some therapy and learn techniques to help manage it.

There are still rogue diseases and internal conditions that will throw roadblocks in your path to health. Mental illness, depression, addictions – all of these and more make the path difficult at best. Whatever your health status at this point, however, you can make it better.   The best advice my doctor ever gave me?  No one is going to do this for you.  True, but there is Someone who will walk the path with me – every step of the way.

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