Friday, August 26, 2011

Putting It Out There

But let your words be simply, Yes or No:
and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One.
Matthew 5:37

At one point in the Facebook discussion with my daughter’s friends and contemporaries, the more aggressive of the young men accused me of “judging” him.  I quickly re-read all of my few entries to see if I was, in fact, sitting in judgment of his character, or motive, or any other aspect of the man’s life.  I stated that I had no desire to “judge” him, and asked him why he thought I was doing so.  His answer surprised me.

He stated that I was in judgment of his inner thoughts, believing that I thought I could gauge them and decide his motive.  At that point, I took stock of the long online conversation and decided not to reply, and ended my participation.  I was not trying to read his thoughts. I didn't need to.  I was, in fact, reading his exact words - pages of them – posted on Facebook for all to see.  As for the on-going conversation, it had become decidedly vicious, directly attacking individuals who were sharing their beliefs or defending their faith.  Paul told Titus to …avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless [Titus 3:9].

The young man made the statement that Facebook gave him anonymity which allowed him to say anything he pleased.  I couldn’t disagree more. His Facebook identification is his full name. Every one of his 900+ friends can read his “thoughts,” and any one of the friends of those 900+ friends can also peruse them at will.  A wise man once shared with me the fact that information posted on the Internet never goes away.  It is, therefore, totally possible for something you have written to come back to haunt you.  Jesus said, Keep it simple.  Yes, and No are good, but beyond that is the Devil’s playground.  Thanks for the reminder, Lord!

Today's Prayer Needs
Unknown Young Woman just arrested in front of my home 
for a hit-and-run accident
Judy for recovery
Joel for wisdom.
Dulcie and family for comfort
The Entire East Coast in anticipation of Hurricane Irene 

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