Thursday, August 18, 2011

Unknown Flowers

I have no idea what flowers are picture in either of today's photos,
taken at a botanical garden in South Carolina.

God sets the lonely in families…
Psalm 68:6a

Are you acquainted with Groupon’s?  Those outside the United States may have no knowledge of the word, but here in the U.S., “getting your Groupon” means getting a great deal.  Groupon is a company that offers a great bargain every single day in areas all around the country.  Usually the item or service is 50% or much more off the retail price, and if you want it, you buy it within the twenty-four hours it is offered.  It really helps to stretch your budget to include little “luxuries” you otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford.

Recently I purchased three Groupon’s for an online photo digitalization service.  All together, these three coupons will enable me to have 1000 photographs placed on CD.  Every week I have been going through the boxes and boxes of pictures that I have collected over the years – choosing the good/great/cannot be replaced photos, and shredding those that should have been tossed years ago.  I am breaking things down into three catagories:  my children, my parents/grandparents, and me.  I have discovered pictures I didn’t even know existed, and reunited with old favorites:  my costumed father with a bull snake in his mouth, participating in the snake dance at the Smokii’s; school photos of my mother with her little first grade students; my three little girls playing dress-up – vamping for the camera in their outlandish costumes, usually wrapped in “dead Ed and dead Fred”, a genuine fur neckpiece with heads still attached!    

What would we do without our families?   The joy and sorrow, the tears and laughter they bring to our lives is priceless.  There were days when at least one of my three girls was a real pain-in-the-neck, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything life might have to offer.  Family gives us identity, security, love, acceptance – the list goes on and on.  We can never truly be lonely if we are surrounded by a devoted family.  They are a gift from our loving Creator. 

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