Saturday, August 27, 2011


“…in this hope we were saved. 
But hope that is seen is no hope at all.
Who hopes for what they already have?
But if we hope for what we do not yet have,
we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:24-25

This week has been full of new experiences for me.  I experienced my first earthquake – a 5.9 tremor that centered in Mineral, Virginia, and now I am waiting to experience my first hurricane.  Although she is only a Category 1 at this point, Irene is still dangerous enough to cause plenty of destruction as she slowly climbs the East Coast.

The large trees in my backyard are already dancing and swaying. Currently the winds are only 15-20 mph, but are forecast to go much high this afternoon.  Irene has already taken out a pier in North Carolina, and many trees and utility poles will fall victim to her fury.  This afternoon at 5:00pm, there is a memorial service scheduled for the son of one of my church friends, who died of a seizure this last week. The service is all the way cross town.  I have no clue if I will be able to attend - I believe Irene will decisively dictate my schedule today.

And so I wait.  Wait for the storm and the fury.  Wait for my children to arrive who are traveling from Maryland to attend the memorial service.  Wait in uncertainty for what is to come.  As I wait, however, there is one thing I am sure and certain of:  God will be with me, whatever happens this afternoon.  I have asked him to be with me, to be with my traveling children, to be with my friends and colleagues scattered all across metropolitan Richmond, for the family trying to say goodbye to their son, and for my daughter in New York – directly in the storm’s path.  I wait with hope, with peace, with the assurance that God has heard my prayers.  I trust my life and the lives of those I love into His hands.

Today's Prayer Needs
Dulcie & family as they say goodbye to their son
All those in the path of Hurricane Irene
Judy in recovery
Joel at college 

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