Thursday, June 9, 2011

Precious Light

You are the world’s light.  It is impossible to hide a town built on the top of a hill.  Men do not light a lamp and put it under a bucket.  They put it on a lampstand and it gives light for everybody in the house.  Let your light shine like that in the sight of men.  Let them see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16

Nyctophobia:  Fear of the dark or of night. 
It is triggered by the brain’s disfigured perception 
of what would or could happen in a dark environment.

Are you afraid of the dark?  It is a common phobia among children, but most of us tend to outgrow it.  When the electricity suddenly goes off and we are left in pitch-blackness, our first instinct is to grab a candle; I, for one, know exactly where my candles/matches are in preparation for just such an occasion.  Why do I immediately search for a source of light?  Because I am afraid of the dark?  No – it is because I want to see.

The idea of lighting a candle and then placing it under a bucket has always made me laugh.  A hidden light is an oxymoronic contradiction that is the same as no light at all.  Jesus is “the Light of the World” [John 8:12].  He desires to pour His light into us, that we might reflect the brightness of His love and righteousness to the world. 

Why do individuals in desperate circumstances with no where else to turn, often seek out a church – any church, to ask for help?  Because the core of the church is the Gospel, and the foundation of the Gospel is Jesus Christ, and the heart of Jesus Christ is His compassionate, unconditional love.  God calls us to stand tall and shine, like the thousand lights of a town built on top of a hill, spreading His light and love to all those within our reach. 

We are His hands to touch the world around us,
We are His feet to go where He may lead;
And we are His love burning in the darkness,
We are His love shining in the night. 

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