Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.

Happy are the utterly sincere,
For they will see God.

You’re blessed when you get your inside world –
Your mind and heart – put right.
Then you can see God in the outside world.

In the movie, White Christmas, Rosemary Cloony (one of two sisters in an aspiring club act) is trying to explain to Bing Crosby (a highly acclaimed professional) that the letter he supposedly received from their brother, an old army acquaintance, was actually sent by her sister.  Crosby’s character said, “Ah, she was just using an angle.  Everybody has an angle.”   Rosemary Cloony’s character protested; Bing Crosby just laughed. 

I am fascinated with English Tudor history - the time of Henry VIII and his various wives and consorts.  In the uppercrust of that society, families schemed and maneuvered to raise their profile and fortunes in the eyes of the king.  Members of the family, especially women, were used and abused as necessary as means to the family’s end result.  Treachery, deceit, wantonness and adultery were not problems but potential. Everyone did, indeed, have an angle!

If there was one word I would use to describe society back then and much of society today, it would be cynicism.  The idea of purity and sincerity were and are attached to weakness or softness.  The cynical are the tough, the macho, the driven.  It doesn’t matter what lie they tell, what devious plan they produce, who they step on to get where they are going.  All that matters is getting to their own goals. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), that is not the way of God.

The Almighty treasures purity, sincerity, honesty, and integrity.  Those who possess these qualities have the promise to see God as He is - to be a part of His kingdom and live forever.  There is no sexual exploit, riches, or absolute power on this earth that can compare with being a child of the King of the universe, the Creator God.

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