Monday, March 28, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein.
Psalm 24:1

This last Saturday was the day for Earth Hour, a global program for individuals and governments to douse the lights for one hour – at 8:30pm in our own time zone.  Conceived in 2007 in Australia, the movement has grown to worldwide proportions with all seven continents participating to one degree or another in 2011.  The organizers’ mission is to stop the degradation of the earth’s natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.

It was a unique experience for me.  I had been writing most of the afternoon and evening, and glanced up just as the clock marked 8:24pm. I walked through the house, turning off outside lights as well as interior ones.  In the kitchen, I lit a candle before turning off the last light, then went into my bedroom and shut the door – leaving two slightly bewildered cats behind to wonder as to what was happening.

Reading by candlelight turned out to be a difficult task, so I turned to the Solitaire game on my cell phone.  The house had a quietness and solemnity that closed in like deep fog, and the cell game was quickly forgotten.  It was sobering to realize that in many places on this planet, living by the light of a solitary candle is a nightly experience.  We who have so very, very much [even when we have very little] do not often reflect on those who have absolutely nothing.  The people of the northeast coast of Japan came to mind, most of whom have lost everything.  If they are alive and sheltered, they experience rolling blackouts that make my little hour without house lights seem very insignificant.

God is the friend of silence….
~Mother Teresa

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