Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thank You

I thank my God every time I think of you…
Philippians 1:3

On March 12, I asked for prayers for my 24-year-old daughter, Niki, who had been diagnosed with a mass in her lung.  I am thrilled to report that the mass was made up of mostly of calcium, along with some fatty tissue – nonmalignant.  I am grateful beyond words for your prayers on her behalf.  The specialist she saw told her that she’d had the calcification for years – possibly from childhood.  He was very kind to her, showing her both the x-ray and the CT scan, noting the location of the spot, and informing her that she will always have it.

Obviously my daughter was tremendously relieved.  Perhaps too much so.  When the diagnosis first occurred, she had thrown away her cigarettes and vowed to never smoke another one.  She even called her sister – a chain smoker – to beg her to quit.  Now that the crisis has passed, it appears that she may have quietly gone back to smoking.  Both of my girls use tobacco has a way of controlling their emotions.  It is without question that they need to find a different method!

I would appreciate your continued prayers for Niki – specifically that she would gain the victory over her tobacco addiction.  If you would include Laci as well, I would be doubly thankful.  Even though I do not know who you are, I pray for you every morning.  If you have a specific need, please let me know through the comment portion of this blog.  I would be honored to pray for you.

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. 
 ~Søren Kierkegaard

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