Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Special Request

The prayer of faith will raise the sick…
James 5:15

My youngest daughter called me a few weeks ago to relay the news that during a routine physical, a spot was discovered on her lung from the routine x-rays.  This week, she had a cat scan to see what was there.  Unfortunately, the spot is actually a mass of some sort.  She now has an appointment with a specialist toward the end of March.  She is, unfortunately, a smoker; she feels that she is more or less a “social” smoker – perhaps three cigarettes a day, perhaps less.  At this point, however, she is scared to death, and fighting desperately not to sink into a pit of depression over the possibility of the big “C”.

Her first reaction to possible severe physical illness was to admonish me not to tell anyone. [sigh] Too late!  My first reaction always is to alert my praying friends to lift up in prayer the individual we are concerned about.  I had already rallied the prayer troops long before she told me to keep mum.  She is not very happy with me, but I feel much better knowing that my friends and family are praying for her.

And now I turn to you – my readers and unknown friends – wherever you live in God’s beautiful creation.  Will you do me the honor of praying for my child?  Her name is Niki.  I would appreciate so much your prayer support for her as she struggles to cope with this sudden distraction in her life.  Thank you, each one.  If you have a special prayer need that I can pray for you, just drop me a note through this blog, and I will gladly add your request to my prayer book!  

Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear –
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

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