Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Time to Die

The [death] decree was issued, and the wise men were about to be executed; and they looked for Daniel and his companions to execute them.  Then Daniel responded with prudence and discretion to Arioch, the king’s chief executioner, who had gone out to execute the wise men of Babylon.
Daniel 2:13-14 [NRSV]

Imagine yourself having an early breakfast with your three best friends, enjoying the camaraderie of quiet conversation over cereal, fruit, and pancakes with blueberry sauce.  Suddenly a sharp knock sounds at the door.  When you answer, you find Arioch, the king’s hachetman, with a squad of soldiers outside looking none too friendly.  At your pleasant greeting, Arioch says, “Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, boys, but you need to come with me:  you are scheduled to die this morning!”  Say what??

What would be your response?  Yelling?  Screaming?  Cursing?  Resistance?  All of those reactions would be normal under the circumstances.  However, when faced with this stunning pronouncement in the early morning hours in Babylon, Daniel responded with “prudence and discretion.”  Calming looking Arioch straight in the eye, Daniel asked, “Why is the decree of the king so urgent?”  Obviously there was already a measure of trust between these two men, for the executioner took the time to explain the entire matter to Daniel.  He quietly responded, “Arioch – please.  Take me to the king.  I can help him.”

Daniel was immediately taken to Nebuchadnezzar, where he asked for a 24 hour stay-of-execution, with the promise that he would tell the king both the dream and the interpretation.  Again, one must contemplate what bond of trust was already established between monarch and servant, for the king readily agreed.  Daniel hurried back home, gathered his three friends, and asked them to “seek mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery…”  It was time to hit their knees, praying that Jehovah would grant them His compassion and wisdom, for He alone could reveal the answers to the secrets of the night.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, 
and lean not to your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:5-6

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