Monday, March 7, 2011

The Statue of History

As you watched, there appeared to your majesty a great statue.  This statue was huge, its brilliance extraordinary; it was standing before you, and its appearance was frightening.
Daniel 2:31

The dream that had so disturbed the king of Babylon was a statue, immense and dazzling.  It appeared to be built in sections, each section composed of a different metal.

  • Head                           Gold
  • Chest and Arms         Silver
  • Belly and Thighs        Brass
  • Legs                            Iron
  • Feet and Toes            Mixture of iron and clay

Suddenly a colossal stone, “cut out by no human hand,” thundered down into the statue’s feet, and the entire structure was blown to bits.  The stone then grew into a towering mountain and “filled the whole earth.”

Sounds a bit like a B-rated science fiction movie, but it was no laughing matter to Nebuchadnezzar, nor to Daniel.  None of us knows what will happen to us between now and bedtime.  Our lives can change in an instant.  Predicting the future, then, can be an exercise in futility (just ask the local meteorologist!).  However, the Creator of the universe knows all about the future, and He chose to reveal to a heathen king the flow of history through the rise and fall of various world powers.  Why Nebuchadnezzar?  Perhaps because God knew that this monarch would be willing to listen.

We walk life’s pathway through an ever-increasing cacophony of voices crying out for our attention and adoration. God’s approach is different; He comes to us through the quiet pathways of mind and heart.  He has a thousand ways to try and attract our attention.  Will we be ready to listen?

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing
without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7 [NIV]

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