Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bless the Children

He maketh the barren woman to keep house,
And to be a joyful mother of children.
Psalm 113:9

The trial of Casey Anthony started yesterday in Florida.  She is accused of murdering her own child, Caylee, who was just short of her third birthday when she died.  Although Caylee was last seen alive in June of 2008, she was not reported missing until July 15.

I will readily admit that there were times when my three daughters were growing up that I was ready to drop-kick one (or more) of them to the moon, but not knowing where my child was at any given moment?  Panic time.  It is beyond my imagination to not know (and not care?) where your child is for an entire month. 

I have no idea whether Casey Anthony is guilty of murdering her child.  It is clear, however, that she is guilty of neglecting her little daughter.  Raising a toddler is never an easy task – doing it alone makes it many times more difficult.  Somehow Caylee slipped through the cracks of the normal bonds of affection and protection, and ended up in a shallow grave.

Is there a child or children within your sphere of daily living?  Let them know that they are loved and important.  Do you know a mother whose parenting load you could lighten? Is there a family in your church who are struggling to keep things together?   Jesus wants us to care about and care for “the least of these…”   The first on that list are the children.

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