Monday, May 9, 2011

Good Morning, Lord

Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning,
For in You I trust.
Cause me to know the way in which I should walk,
For I lift up my soul to You.
Psalm 143:8

It is Monday, the start of a new week, and it is an absolutely glorious morning here in Central Virginia.  The sun is shining, the birds are calling out their joyous songs, a robin is preening in the birdbath, and it is one of those mornings when it feels like anything and everything is possible.  With a forecast of only 76 degrees for the high temperature, it is without a doubt a spring day at its best!

There are several things on my agenda today:  provide the music for a funeral this morning, set up and hold bell rehearsal this evening, and two voice lessons to teach.  Amidst those set calendar events I need to: get some exercise, seriously clean my kitchen, pay the bills, and prepare the music for another funeral tomorrow.  If I was a betting woman, I would wager that the thing that might not get done out of this “to-do” list is my kitchen [not much of a surprise there; that’s why it looks the way it does].

In addition to what is necessary to do today, there are things that need to be done this week that have to be tucked here and there into one of the day’s routines: get ready for my class at the local high school, shop for gifts for my volunteer music staff (should have been done last week!), plant 7 Alberta pines in the back yard, etc., etc., etc.  There is always something that needs to be done - sooner rather than later.

The psalmist David must have had a daunting schedule for each day in the palace.  He was, after all, king of Israel.  However, he knew that the best schedule in the world was not necessarily what he had planned, but what God proposed.  His prayer is mine today: 

Lord, help me to know Your love, kindness and grace
amidst the beauty of this morning. 
Guide my decisions today.
Give me wisdom for the tasks ahead,
patience and love for those around me,
and words that will glorify You.

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