Thursday, May 12, 2011

Worry, Part II

I hear this most gentle whisper
from One I never guessed would speak to me.
Psalm 81 [The Message]

There is never a time in anyone’s life when there is not something to worry about.  On Tuesday evening, I stayed the night with a friend who'd had surgery the previous day.  Yesterday evening, I called her on her cell phone, and she didn’t answer.  I called her house, and she didn’t answer.  Worried, I grabbed my keys and walked over to her home.  The shining porch light alerted me that she had, true to form, gone out somewhere, even though she was still recovering from surgery.  Relief!

Last evening, I received a call from my oldest child in New York.  My daughter was born with congenital heart problems, and had two surgeries in the first 4 months of life.  She has not had her heart checked since 2002, when she broke her back.  The last few days, she has been experiencing extreme fatigue and then shortness of breath.  She went to the doctor yesterday – her EKG and other vitals looked fine, but because she has not had a full cardiac workup since 1998, she is going to have that tomorrow morning.  Worried?  Well, that was certainly the first reaction.  But then I remembered Max Lucado’s advice from yesterday’s blog – so I have turned it over to Him.  I can’t “do” anything about it, no matter what it is, but He can.

Life is full of the unexpected, and no one has a written guarantee for any aspect of it. What a comfort then, that the Lord “whispers” to us:  "I, the Creator, the God of the Universe, care about your burdens; why don’t you drop them on My doorstep."  Thank you, Lord! 

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