Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Flowers of His Garden

For as the earth brings forth its bud,
as the gardener causes the things that are
sown in it to spring forth,
so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise
to spring forth before all the nations.
Isaiah 61:11

There is almost nothing that I enjoy more than finding a new and beautiful flowering plant.  On a recent visit to Lynchburg, I found a small plant nursery at the 307/460 split outside of Farmville.  There I discovered a gorgeous petunia called Pretty Much Picasso Supertunia.  The flowers are a deep pink, edged in lime green.  They are now a beautiful addition to my container gardening collection.

The next day, I visited Sneed’s Nursery to see if I could find a Superbells plant (resembling a miniature petunia) in the same vivid pink to plant with the Supertunia.  In the process, I discovered the Blackberry Punch Superbell – also a coloring that I had never seen before.  Suffice it to say this beautiful specimen also came home with me.

Just as I love and care for my garden, nurturing my plants and coaxing them to full bloom, so the Lord loves His people – the human race that He created.  He tends and nurtures us, watering us with the strengthening power of the Holy Spirit, and focusing on us the powerful sunlight of His love and blessings.  We, in turn, sing forth His praise to everyone around us, witnessing to the joy of being part of His garden.  

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