Friday, May 27, 2011

A New Car?

…for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger,
and of great kindness…
Joel 2:13

A couple of months ago, I passed off the last of what seems like an endless stream of Toyota Corollas to a daughter whose car had bit the dust.  That left me with my father’s old truck to drive until I had the time to find a new vehicle.  In the last few days, I decided it was time to buy the car, and began to look for one on the Internet, checking the used vehicle inventories of local dealers.

Thursday I decided to stop at a couple dealerships in Short Pump on my way home from the bank.  The grandfatherly salesman at the Nissan dealership was very nice, but kept trying to get me to look at vehicles that cost more than I could afford to pay.  He asked for my name and number in case "something came in," then bid me a friendly good-bye and good luck.

When I drove up to the next dealership, there was a salesman just returning to the office from the car lot.  He glanced at the dilapidated truck as I pulled in, and finally hesitated until I got out of the car.  He asked if he could help me, and I told him what I was looking for, and my price range.  He stared at me for a second, then gave a laugh and said, “I wish I could help you, but I don’t have anything like that here.”  He then hesitated and said, “Oh, wait a moment.  There might be something…let me just check in the office”

He had taken two steps toward the showroom door when another customer drove in and parked.  He halted, looked back at me and said, “I can’t help you,”  then proceeded to welcome the new customer and escort them into the showroom.  I've heard lots of jokes about used car salesmen, but this is the first genuinely rude individual that I have ever encountered on a dealership lot. 

I have always tried to teach my kids that there is never a reason to be rude.  I still believe that to be true.  When we are kind to others, we spread a little of the light of heaven’s love.  Joel says that God is gracious, kind, and slow to anger.  I’d really like to be just like Him! 

My apologies for the lateness of this post.
Life gets turned around and around some times! 

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