Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Therefore I say to you, 
do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or what you will drink;
nor your body, what you will put on.
Is not life more than food
and the body more than clothing? 
Which of you by worrying
can add one cubit to his stature?
Matthew 6:25, 27

The same God that gave us commandments such as, "Do not commit adultery, do not murder," said, "Do not worry."   It's a violation of our relationship to God to question His authority by worrying.

Has any good ever come out of any worrying that you've ever done?  Worry only compartmentalizes us and makes us unable to do what we set out to do.  If you are worried about a problem, what you need to do is simply trust the Lord and do good.

The word worry comes from a word that means "to divide."  When you worry, you divide your energy.  Do you worry?  I worry about you if you don't worry!  All of us worry, but we shouldn't.  Jesus commands us half a dozen times, "Do not worry."  When we worry about a situation, the problem gets us instead of us getting it.

Jesus is not afraid of the things that cause us fear.  He never said, "Don't bring your fears to Me; I'm too busy."  Instead, He said, "I'm not afraid of the things that cause you fear.  Bring your fears to me."

We don't look like we're afraid, Father - 
calm on the outside.
But Father, we have our hidden fears.
You know them.
We're afraid of being alone.
We're afraid of being jobless.
We're afraid of pain.
Father, we offer these fears to You
and ask You to give us more courage
as we look at You,
the One who knows no fear.

-Max Lucado
  The Inspirational Study Bible NKJV
Word Publishing 1995

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