Sunday, July 31, 2011

How Do You Look at Your Life?

...the Lord does not see as man sees...
1 Samuel 16:7 

It is the last day of July, 2011 – the summer has flown by so fast!  Only thirty days or so before these warm, lazy days vanish, and we all return to the heavier responsibilities that fall brings.  Have you finished all your summer projects?  I am still frantically trying to get mine done:  new gardens [too hot outside], interior house painting [coming right along :)], and preparing family photos to be digitally scanned [HUGE job!].  Too many projects, not near enough time!!

When I look at my life in that vein, I tend to get discouraged.  What, after all, do I have to show for my three months of summer?  Perhaps I am looking at it the wrong way?  I have had great visits with my daughters, wonderful conversations with friends, a far earlier start than usual with my music planning, and a wonderful little house that is coming along, step-by-step, room-by-room, flower-by-flower.  When it comes to our outlook, a great deal depends on our perspective!

This last music video (for now!) is one of my absolute favorite songs.  When I tend to get discouraged with myself, I listen to it again for a different outlook.  Is my worth dependent on what I gain, or what I give?   Listen for yourself!

Look at Yourself through Heaven’s Eyes
A single thread in a tapestry,
though its color brightly shines,
can never see its purpose
in the pattern of the grand design.
And the stone that sits up on the very top
of the mountain's mighty face:
does it think it's more important
than the stones that form the base?
So how can you see what your life is worth
or where your value lies?
You can never see through the eyes of man:
you must look at your life,
look at your life through heaven's eyes

A lake of gold in the desert sand
is less than a cool fresh spring;
and to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy
is greater than the richest king.
If a man lose everything he owns,
has he truly lost his worth?
Or is it the beginning
of a new and brighter birth?
So how do you measure the worth of a man:
in wealth or strength or size?
In how much he gained or how much he gave?
The answer will come to him who tries
to look at his life through heaven's eyes

That's why we share all we have with you,
though there's little to be found.
When all you've got is nothing,
there's a lot to go around!
No life can escape being blown about
by the winds of change and chance;
and though you never know all the steps,
you must learn to join the dance!
So how do you judge what a man is worth:
By what he builds or buys?
You can never see with your eyes on earth;
Look through heaven’s eyes.
Look at your life through heaven’s eyes.

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