Friday, July 15, 2011

Angels Watching Over Me

It is 4:30am in the morning, and I am getting ready to leave for a day trip up north.  Across the world, my daughter is in her last day auditing in West Africa - she begins her journey home tomorrow.  I had not heard from her all week until last night, when she commented on an email I had forwarded.

When I am getting ready for my journey and thinking about my daughter getting ready to return from hers, I think of.... angels.  Angels that have been with her these last two weeks.  Angels that will be with me as I drive north.  Angels that are with us, watching over us, every day of our lives.  Thank you, Father, for the angels that will guard my daughter and me today and every day.

Day 12 of Prayer for West Africa
For completion of a job well done.
For safe travel home.

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