Thursday, July 7, 2011

How Much is Enough?

St. Paul's Chapel, NYC

If possible,
So far as it depends on you,
Live peaceably with all men.
Romans 12:18

How much money is enough money?  How much power is enough power? How much celebrity worship does one need?  Where do you draw the line on “Whatever it takes?”   When do the means NOT justify the ends?  When is “Anything it takes!” a step too far down the road?  Where is the line crossed when the pursuit of money/fame/power means the loss of your soul?

These are a tiny fraction of the questions that someone should have asked themselves before the hacking began in the newsroom of the British tabloid, The News of the World.  Paparazzi look like school children next to those who would hack into the cell phone messages of a murdered teenager, listening to the anguished pleas from her parents and friends, copying and deleting as they went. 

“Sources close to the parents reveal that they called their daughter...”
“Great reporting!  Where did you garner that bit of information?”
“Hey, buddy – you know I can never reveal my sources…”

Where is it written that when the private details of my life will sell newspapers for your organization, you have the right to that information?  I don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know where it is written that God loves the hacker(s) who did this [and the boss who condoned it] just as much as He loves me. That might not sit well with my personal self-image, but it is the Gospel truth!

Day 5 of Prayer for Niki in W. Africa
For safety and peace

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