Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Keep your lives free from the love of money,
And be content with what you have, because God said,
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5

I went outside early this morning to get some yard work done before the heat arose.  We had a terrific thunderstorm last night, and the ground was thoroughly soaked.  I am digging out a garden area two and a half feet wide, following the sidewalk from the driveway to the front steps.  There is a considerable amount of gravel in our dirt, and I knew it would be easier to dig when damp.

As I was coming back from the garbage dumpster, I was halted in my tracks by the sight of a box turtle sauntering out from under my car.  He was probably eight to nine inches long from tip to tail, with a six by four inch shell.  He obviously lives outside, and his shell was glistening in the early morning light from the dampness of the air and grass.  He was moving along at lightning speed for a turtle, completely unconcerned with my presence, and all I could do was stare.  He was beautiful – a perfect specimen – a little morning gift from the hand of the Creator.

There are many things in this world that promise contentment – most of which require money to acquire them.  Those which bring peace and joy to the heart, however, are priceless:  a turtle glistening in the morning sun; the warm hug of a child; the fragrance of a rose; the smile of a friend; a sunset on the beach; the joy of another day of life; the affection, encouragement and support of family; and the love of Jesus, our Savior.  At the end of the day, these small miracles are what surround us with contentment.   

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