Monday, July 25, 2011

He Who Has Promised is Faithful - Part 2

God told Moses to lead Israel out of the land of Egypt to the Promised Land.  Moses said, 

“All right, if I am the man You want, I might as well get started.”

He started swinging his sword and killed one Egyptian.  Then he fled into the wilderness, where for forty years, as he herded sheep, he learned the lessons of faith and the will.  At the end of forty years, God reminded him that he was to lead Israel out of Egypt.  Moses replied, 

“I can’t do it.  I’m a born sheepherder.  It’s impossible for me to deliver Israel.”

But now God knew he was ready, for Moses was finally willing to depend on divine power.

Then, in spite of their wonderful leader who had learned the hard way, Israel went through the same experience.  They had the promise, “The Lord your God, He shall fight for you” [Deuteronomy 3:22].  But Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years, trying to absorb the same lesson that Moses had had to learn before them:

When God makes a promise, He has the power to keep it,
and He does not need our interference.
Our meddling merely hinders Him from accomplishing His purposes.

~Salvation by Faith and Your Will by Morris Venden
R & H Publishing Association, 1978

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