Sunday, July 24, 2011

He Who Has Promised is Faithful - Part 1

  And God is able to make all grace abound to you,
So that in all things at all times,
Having all that you need,
You will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8

God led Abraham to a land that he would receive as an inheritance and He further promised him that he would be the father of a great multitude. When he arrived in Canaan after a long journey, the people greeted him:
            “Welcome to our land.  What is your name?”
            “My name is , ‘Father of a Multitude,’” he replied, because that was what his name meant.
            “Oh,” they said, “your name means ‘Father of a Multitude’?  How many children do you have?”
            “Well, … I don’t have any.”  And the people smiled.
            They met Sarah.  “Welcome to Canaan.  What is your name>”
            “My name is ‘Mother of Nations.’”
            “Oh, it is!  How many children do you have?”
            “Well, … I don’t have any children.”
            Then the people took a little closer look at Sarah and asked, “How old are you, anyway?”
            “I’m sixty-five.”  And that was even more embarrassing.

Finally Abraham decided that God must have made a promise He couldn’t keep.  “He needs our help,” he concluded.  Abraham and Sarah discussed the problem together and came up with a plan that seemed acceptable according to the customs of their day.  Soon a tragic family situation developed.  Only after years of heartache did Abraham finally learn the lesson that would qualify him for the name “Father of the Faithful.” 

Salvation by Faith and Your Will by Morris Venden
 R & H Publishing Association, 1978
to be continued

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