Wednesday, July 27, 2011

His Strength is Perfect

NYC across from Central Park

The Lord is my strength and my shield…
Psalm 28:7

My middle daughter is a professional tutor and university instructor.  Yesterday she was at the home of a very beautiful young teenage girl and her older teenage brother, each of whom she tutors in various subjects. Two teenage cousins were also in the house, but no parents. Toward the end of the session, the home phone rang and the girl answered it.  Shortly thereafter, she wandered into the dining room and said, “That was odd.”  When her brother inquired as to what was so different, she relayed a phone conversation that chilled my daughter to the bone.

Someone claiming to be a police officer wanted to speak to the mother.  When the girl indicated that the mother was not available, the caller said, “Oh, then your mother is not home?”  The teen answered in the affirmative.  The same questions were asked regarding the father, with the same answers.  The caller then ended the conversation.

My daughter sat stunned and suspicious, then her mind was filled with things that had to be done – now.  She tried to call the parents – no answer.  She called state and local police – no one from those agencies had called the home. The children called their aunt who lived nearby, and in no time flat they were out of the house and being driven to the aunt’s home.  When the kids were safely inside, she called me – wondering if she had done the right thing, or simply overreacted.

My answer was simple:  when you are at a point of weakness, confusion and indecision, that is the moment when God is at His strength.  The solutions that flowed rapid-fire through her mind were from a loving Father who knew exactly what needed to be done.  He provided the answers to her unasked questions.  She followed His leading – the wisest choice anyone can make.

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